剑桥Alevel考试题答案? alevel可以自学吗









A levelA =10分B=8分C=6分D=4分E=2分

AS levelA =5分B=4分C=3分D=2分E=1分(两科ASlevel成绩等于一科Alevel成绩)












现在小留学生现象越来越普遍了,而且,随着美国签证的难度加大,越来越多的留学生把眼光瞄向了英国。小留学生在英国主要学习的是GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education,一般译作普通中等教育证书)课程,以及以后的GCE A-Level (General Certificate of Education,Advanced Level,一般译作普通教育高级水平证书)课程。尤其是这之后的A-Level课程成绩,往往在很大程度上决定了这些小留学生在英国可以升读什么类型的大学,其重要性几乎可以等价于中国的高考!


作为CIE(Cambridge International Examinations)剑桥大学国际考试院中国首批A-Level学校之一的某学校A-Level Economics经济学教师,IGCSE Business Studies 商务研究教师,学院UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service,一般翻译作英国高等教育招生服务中心,其作用类似于中国的大学招生录取委员会)Coordinator和学院留学申请指导老师,(去年为学院29名毕业生申请到4份剑桥大学的Conditional Offer预录取通知书,1份牛津大学的预录取通知书,10份帝国理工的预录取通知书,5份伦敦政治经济学院的预录取通知书,14份华威大学的预录取通知书,7份布里斯托大学的预录取通知书,9份巴斯大学的预录取通知书,9份约克大学的预录取通知书,17份诺丁汉大学的预录取通知书等英国著名大学的预录取通知书,还有加拿大多伦多大学、麦克基尔大学、滑铁卢大学等大学、澳大利亚墨尔本大学等大学、美国密歇根大学等大学多份录取或与录取通知书),在这个家长又忙着为小孩决定何去何从的时刻,把自己在这两年内对英国教育体制(课程体系,考试体系,大学升学申请程序等)的了解与实践与大家共享,希望能为大家的决策起到一些参考的作用。刚好趁着学校在临近期末组织各个年级家长会,本人整理了一些作为家长会发言稿,指导学生在学校如何走好每一步并让家长放心。考虑到其他的许许多多的同样的心情的学生和家长,就想到把他们发表出来并放到了网上,希望能让更多的人获益。今天开个头,以后希望有机会陆续地把每一个留学的关键的环节,比如牛津剑桥申请表格的填写,学院的选择(牛津剑桥是学院制),申请材料的准备,面试的真实过程,笔试的考题,如何准备,A-Level、IGCSE课程的选择、考察的范围及提纲及评分标准、学习的方法、应试的技巧(只要是考试,中国人都会有考试的技巧),雅思和托福的准备以及应试的技巧等等再分别以不同的主题的形式与大家探讨,敬请关注。

GCSE(英国之外的GCSE课程叫做International GCSE,简称 IGCSE课程)学制两年,共有61门课程可以选择,其中包括中国学生比较擅长并且熟悉的Mathematics数学(数学在IGCSE和A-Level的阶段都有两门,强烈建议中国学生都选,这样可以充分发挥中国学生的数学方面的天赋和比较优势)、Physics物理、Chemistry化学、Biology生物、history历史(但与我们平时学习的历史课的内容相差很大,而且考察方法也区别很大)、Music音乐(可能很多学生会思维定势地误以为音乐课并不重要,其实国外许多著名大学非常看重像Music音乐、Drama戏剧等比较活泼的学科的成绩,因为他们觉得在学好相关课程的情况下又能学好这些课程的学生会给他们的校园带去积极向上丰富多样的校园文化,笔者的一位学生收到剑桥大学预录取通知书的学生就学了AS-Level的音乐)等,还有中国学生倍感陌生但应该会很感兴趣的Business Studies商务研究(对英语的要求极高,考题中没有选择题,全须学生论述展开,还需阅读案例,强烈建议英语不够好的学生选择的时候慎重,哪怕对这个学科很感兴趣,这是我教了这门课后的真实体会,一些英语不够好的学生学到最后了还没把教材完全看懂;但反过来,如果学生接受体挑战把这门学好了,那么英语水平就会直线上升,而且对雅思考试的高分都会有直接的帮助;更重要的是,也是笔者在课堂上经常告诉学生的,学好管理学,不一定就是要去管理别人,做到很好的自我管理也是同样很重要的), Accounting 会计学、Economics经济学(非常有用的一门学科,它不光教授学生大体的经济运行的规律,更重要的是教给学生一种全新的成本收益分析和有限资源最优选择效益最大化的考虑问题的思维方法。去年笔者的4位得到剑桥大学预录取通知书的学生中有两个选学了经济学,而且其中一位学生选读的大学专业与经济学无关。还有一点需要指出的就是,经济学一点都不难学,相反,是一门非常容易拿到A的学科,至少,根据笔者的教学经验,笔者已经确实得让学生掌握了它的应试方法), (商务研究、会计学和经济学是经典的商科方向的三门课程)Art and Design艺术与设计, Information Technology 信息技术,Travel and Tourism旅游与观光等, 还有既陌生又可能不会有任何兴趣的Religious Studies宗教研究、Arabic 阿拉伯语、Portuguese葡萄牙语等,甚至有让中国学生感到非常扬眉吐气(但对留学申请不是非常有用的)的Chinese汉语,还有两种汉语,Chinese(Mandarin) 汉语(普通话)和 Chinese - first language 汉语-本国语(可惜由于反而对中国学生的申请不是很有关系,所以笔者也没有做太多相关研究)。



A-Level 课程与IGCSE课程相比,其重要性当然要大得多。因为这是英国的“高考”!A-Level课程选择的科目种类比IGCSE还要多,共有76门,大体与IGCSE类似。(这也正常,因为A-Level是IGCSE的延续)选课的原则也一样:充分的发挥自身的优势,并结合自己的兴趣,选最容易的A的课程来学。由于A-Level课程的选择与大学专业的申请有很大的关系,所以,从某种意义上来说,开始选A-Level课程的时候差不多就开了选大学的专业,这是对的。选得准,就是优势;选得不准,到时候要换,就是劣势。




1. 英语的问题:英语是迟早都必须学好的,所以,既然如此,为什么不马上下定决心学好英语呢?而且,学好英语绝不仅仅体现在足够高的雅思或者托福成绩上,他们还是有区别的,尤其是在通过考试技巧取得高分的情况下;我经常告诫学生的:这个6.5分,或者7.0分怎么得来的,我们都心知肚明,靠的就是技巧;我们帮你达到这个分数为的是什么,就是为了满足国外大学,特别是好大学的录取要求;你们真正的英语水平我们也都清楚,所以,如果你们以为自己的英语实力真正的达到了这个水平,那就是天大的自欺欺人了!其实,真正的把英语掌握后,学生会发现,IGCSE课程也好,A-Level课程也罢,都会变得容易很多,许多难的问题原来就是因为题目没有读懂而变得迎刃而解;自己在老师的指导下写留学申请材料,特别是非常重要的Personal Statement 个人陈述的时候,就不会有想法但又不知从何说起了;有机会参加牛津剑桥的面试的时候就可以畅快淋漓挥洒自如地表现一番了。而最后,你进入世界顶级大学的梦想就会离你近了许多!这就是英语的重要性!

2. 对学习的态度:国际教育只是小孩整个求学生涯的一部分,所以,即使已经决定去国外留学,也必须扎扎实实地把眼下的书读好。任何的书,不管是国内读的,还是在国外读的,都是你知识的一部分,都会对你未来的成功产生作用。而且,根据我们的观察,学生原先的基础越好,越容易顺利进入IGCSE/A-Level阶段的学习并取得好成绩。所以,千万不要以为他们是相互独立的,更不要以为学了国外的课程中国学生就一定会自动地变得聪明,这些观点都是站不住脚的。

3. 为留学申请的准备:坦白说,IGCSE成绩,A-Level成绩,雅思成绩,托福成绩再高都是只是中间过程,而申请上什么类型的大学及是否是自己感兴趣的专业,这才是我们所有一切努力的醉翁之意。所以,一切以大学申请为重点,这才是上策!而我们知道,国外的大学,特别是好大学,除了成绩之外,他还看中你的很多其他的方面,比如,相关的专业实践,足够的社会实践,体现奉献社会精神的义工等等,所以,这一些都必须未雨绸缪,不能把这个问题留到开始写留学文书的时候。到那个时候,在抓耳挠腮也是没有用的,因为我们一直不提倡编故事!编的故事在专业而富有经验的国际招生官那里是一眼就会被看出来的。而这样的后果又是很严重的:他们会对你的个人诚信度产生怀疑,可能就即使你再好都不会在考虑你的申请了!

4. 出国留学的时机选择:我经常跟学生说:如果说IGCSE的课程学不好,转眼之间过了暑假就要升读A-Level课程了,凭什么更难的A-Level课程就一定会学好?有一些A-Level的学生学得非常吃力,他们的今天可能就是你们的明天;在国内学不好IGCSE或者A-Level课程,然后就想转学到国外去读,凭什么保证到国外就一定能学好?在中国我们有外方富有经验的老师和努力的中方老师的齐心协力的配合,还有中方老师把所有的往年试卷钻研之后研究出来专门帮助学生取得高分的考试技巧,到了国外,语言又是障碍,老师可能也不会像在国内这么的关心,等等。






Questions 1-7

. Read these sentences and the share prices below.

. Which stock market does each sentence(1-7) describe?

. For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


The index went up more than one thousand.


1. The share prices were influenced by the improvement of the two countries'


2. Over the week ,turnover rose by T $ 5. 83bn.

3. Many people went to buy capitalization stocks.

4. In the beginning many foreign shareholders buy blue chips at high prices.

5. Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.

6. On Thursday price dropped and then rose again.

7. The falling of composite index rose by 1. 3 per cent on the week.

A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday's Bt 10bn.

B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday's rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn.

C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the week

D. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China's MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.


Questions 8-12

. Read this letter to the editor of The Economist.

. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

. For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mar4 any letter twice.

. One answer has been given as an example.


You state on February 13th that New Mexico has "few natural resources ",... ...example...... In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas , seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals ... ...8... ... Non-fuel minerals contributed about $ 1 billion and coal $ 509 million.

Taxes from production of fuels and minerals, and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about $ 5. 65 billion, ...... 9 ...... In addition, during fiscal year 1991 , payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were S 108 million ,all earmarked for public education.

...... 10 ...... About $566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production. ......11 ...... Tourism is an important industry in New Mexico, yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production.

New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states. It does not have a deficit. ... ... 12... ... States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns. Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6. 1/00 in the year to October 1992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United States.

Charles Chapin

Example :C

A. It has a broadly based tax structure an important point.

B. In 1992 it produced more oil than Colorado and Kansas combined.

C. However, the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state's strongest economic forces.

D. During fiscal year 1992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about $6.1 billion.

E. The combined value of oil and gas production was $ 2. 8 billion.

F. Some 16, 000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry.

G. The $39 million earned by these funds in 1991 was used to finance education and other public services.

H. Only S 25 million came from agricultural taxes.

I. New Mexico's extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state's $ 1. 9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991.


Questions 13-20

. Read this letter about Compensation Trade ,and answer the following questions.

Ministry of Foreign Trade 19th January , 1 993

Xi Changan Street

Beijing , China

Dear Sirs,

This letter is in regard to the window glass business between our firm and the China National Light industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Daren Branch and the Daren Window Glass Factory.

1. Our two sides sincerely worked in the past and the window glass business has already been done successfully. However, the quantity of products doesn't meet our requirements. This company wants to develop the trade and business further in this line. We now expect to begin working with all the other branches and window glass factories on the same basis ,i. e. compensation trade.

2. For the U. S. A. market, we require very large quantities of small cut sizes. Therefore, we are asking your prompt assistance to help us out in expanding glass-cutting business. We would highly appreciate it if you take this matter into consideration. We are certain that ,with your prompt cooperation, our purchases of Chinese window glass for sale in the U. S. A. market will very quickly increase to a large and substantial volume. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries ,the time is now right for a very quick and large increase in trade between us.

3. For your information, we are doing everything possible to cooperate in achieving our mutual goal of making the window glass business a very large one. We have offered to purchase various equipment for your Dairen factory which will increase its products, improve quality and raise its efficiency. We have offered to accept payment for this machinery in the form of buy-back of glass. We have also cooperated with the factory in making suggestions for better efficient packing and containerization. The factory has been very cooperative and receptive to our ideas. As we want to begin our business with the other branches too ,we plan to offer the same suggestions and proposals to purchase machinery for them.

4. From this letter, you can see that we are very sincere in our desire for a long-term relationship between our two countries and our firm and the various branches of the China National Light industrial Products Import and Export Corporation, Window Glass Departments .

During our next visit to China, we will discuss the appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent for Chinese Window Glass in the U. S. A. market. Since we have discussed this question in the past ,we expect that the official appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent will be made during our next trip.

Thank you for your prompt attention to the above. Best regards.

Sincerely yours ,

Norman Goldstein

Associates , INC

Questions 13-16

. For questions 13-16 ,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below.

. For each paragraph(1-4) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mark any letter twice.

13. Paragraph 1.......... .

14. Paragraph 2..........

15. Paragraph 3. .........

16. Paragraph 4..... . . .. .

A Our hope for a long-term relationship

B Our successful cooperation in the past

C The diplomatic relations between our two countries

D Our wish to increase the quantity of products

E Our need of help in glass-cutting

F Our goal to make the window glass business large

G Improvement of equipment in Chinese factories

Questions l7-20

. Using the information in the test ,complete each sentence 17-20 ,with a phrase from the list below (A-G).

. For each sentence(17-20) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mark any letter twice.

17. When we visit your country again next time ,we hope you'11. . . . . .

18. On the basis of compensation trade ,we are going to. . . . . .

19. In order to enlarge our window glass business, we're doing our best to. . . . . .

20. To other branches that have business with us, we'll. . . . . .

A take this problem into consideration.

B develop and expand the trade and business further.

C make our company the sole agent in China.

D offer to buy equipment for them.

E accept payment for this equipment.

F start cooperation with other branches and factories.

G cooperate with you and realize our common dream.


Questions 21-35

. Read this advertisement a hat Fidelily Emerging Markets.

. Choose the best word to fil1 each gap.

. For each question (21 -35) mark one letter (A ,B,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

. One answer has been given as an example.

The dynamic developing economies of the world are ripe with potential. Not only have they ... ...example... ... extraordinary levels of ... ... 21 ... ... , but we believe this looks set continue , backed by ... ... 22 ... ... inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Mark, Fund is ... ..23... ... to help you capitalize on this promising outlook.

The ......24... ... to real success in Emerging Markets is research and resources, of Fidelity's foremost ...... 25 ...... As the world's largest ..... 26 ...... investment management anization , we can draw upon a (n) ... ... 27 .. ... network of offices covering developing economies across Asia ,Latin America and Europe.

This local presence means we can ...... 28...... a hands-on approach ,searching out a capitalizing on investment ... ...29... ... as soon as they come to light. As a result, Fidelity I become one of the world's ...... 30...... names in emerging stockmarkets : where we ......31...... manage 5pounds billion ?

So act now to ......32...... out more about the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund ---and get the potential of these dynamic markets teamed with the strength of the Fidelity anization. For more ... ... 33 ... , call us , free of ... ... 34 ... ... , from any of the countries below. If you ... ...35... `.. elsewhere ,please use the UK number or post or fax the coupon.


A. denied B. climbed C. demonstrated D. mentioned

Answer: C

21. A. growth B. decrease C. height D. diminish

22. A. slow B. increasing C. reducing D. fast

23. A. thought B. designed C. considered D. supposed

24. A. road B. method C. reason D. key

25. A. words B. slogans C. ways D. strengths

26. A. independent B. wealthy C. prosperous D. national

27. A. intensive B. thick C. narrow D. extensive

28. A. move B. apply C. reply D. demand

29. A. situations B. disadvantages C. opportunities D. conditions

30. A. few B. many C. honourable D. leading

31. A. currently B. formerly C. recently D. likely

32. A. look B. discover C. find D. learn

33. A. news B. data C. information D. knowledge

34. A. money B. pay C. fee D. charge

35. A. live B. wait C. talk D. sleep


Section A

Questions 36-40

. Read this text about car sales in the world.

. In most of the lines (36 -40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are Correct.

. If the Line is correct, put a tick (√ ) in the space on your Answer Sheet.

. If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

Example :

While new car sales in Japan are predicted to rise up by. . . up. . .

5 per cent next year, 1990's record of 5.1 million won't be exceeded. . . √. . .


36. New car sales fell down last year to a six-year low, but demand

37. is forecast to begin a sustained period of growth in 1994 and

38. rose to record levels through out the second half years of the 1990s

39. The short-term recovery is being driven chiefly by a strong rise in the demand

40. in North America ,where new car sales are forecast to increase by 11 percent to 10. 46 million this year ,as well by the continuing expansion of demand in the Asia-Pacific region.


Section B

Questions 41-45.

. The following is a business contract.

. In each line there is one wrong word.

. For each numbered line (41 - 45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

Example :

We have to hold you responsibility for the loss we've been made to sustain. . . responsible. . .

This serves to authorize the Chairman of the F. T. Arbitration Commission to

41. appoint an arbitrator on behave of this corporation to settle the dispute

42. existed between the plaintiff and the defendant ,concerning the defendant's.

43. failure to meet their oblige under contracts concluded for the supply of

44. 8,000 metric tons of Aluminium ingots. Should the defendant failing to

45. appoint an arbitrator with in the time specific by the F. T. Arbitration .

Commission ,this corporation would have an arbitrator appointed for the defendant.

英国考试评判ABC的标准。(A LEVEL)知道麻烦写出百分比吧,感激不尽。

A 80%-100%

B 70%-79%

C 60%-69%

D 50%-59%

E 40%-49%

U 就是不及格 fail了

