奢侈品的英文和《婚礼进行曲》的英文怎么翻译? 奢侈的 英文


奢侈品的英文和《婚礼进行曲》的英文怎么翻译?奢侈的 英文

奢侈的英语翻译 奢侈用英语怎么说


费加罗的婚礼 the marriage Figaro英文读法

《费加罗的婚礼》(Le Nozze di Figaro)是莫扎特最杰出的三部歌剧中的一部喜歌剧,完成于1786年,意大利语脚本由洛伦佐·达·彭特(Lorenzo da Ponte)根据法国戏剧家博马舍(Beaumarchais)的同名喜剧改编而成.


英文音标IPA: /fi'ɡarɔ/

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud的全诗英文翻译


I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced;but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed--and gazed--but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.
















I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud


英 [aɪ ˈwɒndəd ˈləʊnli æz ə klaʊd]  美 [aɪ ˈwɑːndərd ˈloʊnli æz ə klaʊd] 


1、I wandered lonely AS a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills. 





英 ['wɒndə]  美 ['wɑndɚ] 


1、vi. 徘徊;漫步;迷路;离题

2、vt. 游荡,漫游

3、n. (Wander)人名;(英)万德(女子教名)


1、He wandered 这也不完整

2、wandered off 胡乱溜达

3、wandered into 溜达到里面

4、Love wandered inside 当内心爱意弥漫

5、wandered for hours 走了数小时 ; 漫步走几个小时 ; 徘徊了几个小时

6、But then wandered off 不过后来走丢了

7、Who wandered this way 流浪者到那去了

8、Shoulder Sent Wandered 伏在夏



英 ['ləʊnlɪ]  美 ['lonli] 


1、adj. 寂寞的;偏僻的

2、n. 孤独者


1、Lonely Whistler 寂寞口笛手 ; 孤单口笛手 ; 寂寞的吹口哨者 ; 孤独口笛手

2、Lonely Mountain 孤山 ; 唱片名

3、Only Lonely 弄你亢奋版 ; 只有孤独 ; 奇幻旅程 ; 海绵小宝

4、Lonely Child 孤单的孩子 ; 孤独的孩子

5、Lonely God 浪味仙 ; 孤独神 ; 孤独帝 ; 孤独神专辑

6、Singing lonely 寂寞在唱歌 ; 越唱越寂寞

7、Lonely Winter 一个人的冬季 ; 人的冬季 ; 寂寞的冬

8、Lonely days 孤独的日子 ; 自动消失 ; 日复一日的寂寞 ; 寂寞时光

Lonely sea 寂寞的海 ; 孤寂之海

帮我找下J.reyez英文版wedding dress歌词


Wedding Dress English version Lyric>>

Never should've let you go

Never found myself at home

Ever since that day thst you walked

Right out the door

You were like my beating heart

That I,I can't control

Even though we've grown apart

My brain can't seem to let you go

Thinking back to the old times

When you kept me up late at night

We use to mess around

Laugh and play,fuss and fight

Iguess it's too late

I'm dancing this dance alone

This chapter's done

The story goes on


[Baby~Can't believe that you are not with me

'cause you should be my lady

All I want is to set your heart free


But it you believe that you belong with him

Promise me, you won't let anyone hurt you

Remember, I will always be here for you

Even if it kills me to see you

In taht wedding dress (dress,dress)

Oh see you in hat wedding dress (dress,dress)

See you in that wedding dress (dress,dress)

Oh see you in hat wedding dress (Oh no)]

Snappin' out this misery

Depression this ain't me

But I always turn around 180 degrees

You got control of me

And I, I can't explain

Somebody call 911 Emergency

Before I go insane

Since you've moved on

You took a piece of me give it back

So much pain in my chest

Blacking out, heart attack

I guess it's too late

I'm dancing this dance alone

It's too late~

repeat *


And I see you with your man

And it's hard to understand

If we belong, if I did you wrong

Where we even began

We would always fuss and fight

And it seems nothing was right

But I loved you girl and you were my world

But you'd never trust this guy

'cause the things I do when I'm on the stage

They say I'm a superstar

You couldn't understand all the female fans

and then we grew apart

And I just don't get

When you're acting like some other person

But I try my best to hold on

At the times when it ain't working

And everytime that you say it's over

It breaks my heart and I don't know why

'cause you've done it a lot of times

in the past but I get back up and try

You said we could work it out

How could you hurt me now

And you moved on to the next

I'm left with an imperfect smile

repeat #