高中英语怎么写 高中用英语怎么说

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high school ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

高中英语怎么写 高中用英语怎么说


Ladies and gentlemen,女士们,先生们 Let's welcome Mr.Smith to our school.让我. our guest ,Mr.Smith is an English teacher with much teaching experience,who comes .


high school sophomoreClass Six ,sophomore I've studied English for six years.


n.高中; 双语例句:Had I worked harder in senior school, I would have been studying in Fudan University. 如果在.


senior middle school


Senior school.或 High school 或 Senior high school

初中 高中 英语怎么说?

初中 middle school Junior high school junior middle school都对 高中 High School senior high school senior middle school 技师学院 technician college technician institute 高级技术学校 Senior technical school


大学 college/university/collegial 高中 senior high school 初中 junior high school 小学 elementary school/grade school


<p sizset="4" sizcache="59">senior high school 希望可以帮到你!


1. The job appeals to me is a tourism opportunities. 2. We concluded that he didn't tell me the truth, he was lying. 3. (snow is even) this passage is the main idea of the said snow to find out a kind of call * * the cause of the disease. This is the 19 th century happened in London of a deadly disease. In snow efforts, this disease finally get control.
