feel at home造句(canthelpdoingsth造句)

3624℃ 小玉

现在小伙伴们关于feel at home造句原因曝光令人震惊,小伙伴们都想要剖析一下feel at home造句,那么小玉也在网络上收集了一些关于canthelpdoingsth造句的一些内容来分享给小伙伴们,背后真相简直太让人了解,小伙伴们一起来简单了解下吧。

feel at home造句


填 feel 固定搭配为:make sb do 使某人做某事----------若有任何疑问可以【直接回复】或是【继续追问】或是【百度hi】我尽量在最短的时间内回复~~要是满意的话【选为满意答案】吧(.

feel at home 连系动词做表语 主语:I 谓语:feel at home living here 现在分词做状语 等价于 I feel at home when I live here.

feel at home造句(canthelpdoingsth造句)


He couldn't help laughing when he heard the joke last night. Your english must be very good. I think she must have been a singer. must have been是对过去事实的肯定猜测,.

continue to do 会有一个前提,例如:他写完作业,继续弹琴 而continue doing 就不需要,例如:他继续弹琴 只有mind doing无mind to do

It is very cold.2,I don't mind you doing like that.3, They don't mind giving the poor boy some more .

throw a party造句

he throw rubbish now.

We will have a party this evening.今天晚上我们将开一个派对.*****************************************************.

可以用 throw a party. 或是going to throw a party 是将要举行派对

feel like doing sth


feel like doing sth 想做某事 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 喜欢做某事 2. 想做某事 3. 想要 4. 想要或喜欢做某事 5. 想要做某事 6. 想要干某事 例句: 1.

后跟名词和动名词 =would like to do sth.=want to do sth.
