
1653℃ 小茜



let us listens to music together

听音乐 listen to music玩电脑游戏 paly computer game看电视 watch TV说英语 Speake English骑单车 ride abike开车 drive a car弹钢琴 play the piano写中文 write Chinese在.

“听音乐”英语翻译为“listen to music;listening to music;listen to the music;music”. 双语例句: 1. My hobbies are.



listen to the music 希望对你有用哦!望采纳!

listen to music 听音乐 listen to song听歌

一般用listen to music listen to the music 表示听某个指定的音乐


我喜欢打篮球,乒乓球,羽毛球,听音乐 . I like playing basketball, table tennis, badminton and listening to music. 分析: 1、固定用法: 1).like doing sth 喜欢做某事. 2). 球类前不用冠词:play basketball 打篮球 2、这是一个主谓宾结构的简单句. 主语:I 谓语: like 宾语:playing basketball, table tennis, badminton and listening to music. 3、简单句的基本类型: 1)、主语+系动词+表语. 如:I am happy . 2)、主语+谓语(不及物动词)+……. 如:He .

听音乐 listen to music 玩电脑游戏 paly computer game 看电视 watch TV 说英语 Speake English 骑单车 ride abike 开车 drive a car 弹钢琴 play the piano 写中文 write Chinese 在冬天 in winter 踢足球 paly football

listen to music read books


1、人鬼情未了-Righteous Brothers Unchained melody 可谓是经典中的经典,相信大家都很熟悉,对于这首歌某音也不想多说,每个人的感触肯定都有所不同. 2、我心永.

hearebeats-amy 大爱.强力推荐 You Can Trust In Me-Tang nguoi toi yeu,很难的听到英文歌有这么好听的男女对唱 pretty-卫兰,很清澈的感觉 Ill Be Missing You-Puff Daddy.

泰坦尼克主题曲)2.席琳迪翁 (celine dion)《all by myself》3.艾薇儿 Avril Lavigne 《girl friend》4.艾薇儿 Avril Lavigne 《whe.


I like listening music,but I like doing housework best.

我喜欢打篮球,乒乓球,羽毛球,听音乐 . I like playing basketball, table tennis, badminton and listening to music. 分析: 1、固定用法: 1).like doing sth 喜欢做某事. .

Like listining to the music.
