cardiovascular imageological

3319℃ 语嫣



cardiovascular 英 [,kɑːdɪəʊ'væskjʊlə] 美 [,kɑrdɪo'væskjəlɚ] adj. [解剖] 心血管的

cardiovascular imageological


adj. 心脏血管的 (应该是:cardiovascular)

cardiovascular hematological disorders - drug 搜狗问问

该刊不属于SCI.不属于EI,请谨慎投稿 Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports [2194-7643] DOAJ开放获取期刊 收录起始年 2013 PubMed Central 生物医药与生命.

Smoking can cause cardiovascular disease. Which part of the body d.

Cardiovascular refers to the heart and blood vessels. ( 心血管)Smoking can cause cardiovascular disease. 吸烟会导致心血管疾病.

General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery怎么样的杂志 搜狗问问

翻译是:胸部和心血管外科学 是一本不错的医学杂志 希望我的回答能够让你满意,祝好.

am j cardiovasc drugs是什么杂志

全称期刊名 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS ISSN号:1175-3277 德国Springer数据库的期刊 属于SCI收录期刊 期刊简介: Promoting rational therapy within the discipline of cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs covers all aspects of the management of cardiovascular disorders, particularly the place in therapy of newer and established agents. The journal includes current opinion on contentious issues and .

annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery是sci么

这是专有名词,应该写作 Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (胸心血管外科年鉴),属于医疗科学 (medical science) 的统计年报.


CV : Convair (aircraft manufacturer) Convair(飞机制造商) CV : Cost Variance 费用差异 CV : Computer Virus 计算机病毒 CV : Calorific Value 卡值, 热值 CV : Cardiovascular 心脏血管的 CV : Continuous Vulcanization (构肢)连续硫化[硬化] CV : Check Valve 止回阀 CV : Constant Voltage 恒定电压, 等电压 CV : Coefficient of Variation 变异系数 CV : convertible security 可转换债券 CV : Constant Value 恒定值 CV : Count Value 计数值 CV : Common.

the international journal of cardiovascular imaging投稿中断.

你好,很高兴为你解答 the international journal of cardiovascular imaging 国际心血管影像学杂志 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳.


Journal of clinical nursing ,Journal of cardiovascular nursing, Nursing research,Cancer nursing 等都还不错
