
7665℃ 程程



long long ago,there were two men living in the forest. they are brothers. one is called michael and the other jack. they never see the outside world. one day, the older one, .

There was a strong tiger in the forest. Each animal was afraid him. So he was very lonely. One day, he saw a small goat. He wanted to talk to the goat.He went to the goat .

Before very long time, between the turtle and the rabbit has had the argument, they . 确定了路线之后它们就开始跑了起来.兔子一个箭步冲到了前面,并且一路领先.看到.



It was a cold moring. Most people were asleep. But a boy was already awake. He kept practising "Hello, Good Moring" to his lovely dog. In this way he would not feel shy. .


大象在森林的远处,我看着近处的小鸟自由的飞. 如果觉得答案解决了你的问题,请采纳,有问题可继续追问,如未回答追问,可能是不在哦



long long ago, in a land that far way from our home, there was a penguin who was plucking its feather. when it finally finished plucking, it sneezes and said, "oh it is bloody .

There was a strong tiger in the forest. Each animal was afraid him. So he was very lonely. One day, he saw a small goat. He wanted to talk to the goat.He went to the goat .


Long,long time ago, there lived a king an d a queen. They had a beautiful daughte r, named Snow White. Although amiable as she was, Snow White, pursued by a je alous .

Long long ago,the Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the 很久很久以前,白雪公主和她的父母很愉快地呆在一起.但 queen was jealous of Snow White, she .



There was a strong tiger in the forest. Each animal was afraid him. So he was very lonely. One day, he saw a small goat. He wanted to talk to the goat.He went to the goat .

Since I was a little baby, my parents read simple stories for me. They bought me many. I put myself into the story, imagining I am one of them. That's wonderful.

1. The Princess and the Pea豌豆公主 A queen puts a pea at the bottom of the . 一个寒冬的夜晚,身无分文的小女孩在街上卖火柴,最后她冻死了. 3. The Emperor's New .
