北京版六年级上册英语29页判断参考答案? 六年级上册英语书北京版

2558℃ 小恋



第四题 it was went for than caught going 第五题 different brown weigh biggest gave after pot watered shoot 绝对是对哒!老师改过了,28页的要不要,望采纳!!!

北京版六年级上册英语29页判断参考答案? 六年级上册英语书北京版


2、behind 3、near 4、where 5、the park


(1)how are they going to school?(2) Where the children are going to play football?(3) What time he going to do his homework?好,暂时更到这里,明天继续.




(2)Yes,it does. (3)No,it isn't. (4)Yes,it is. (5)No,it isn't. (6)Yes,they do.

课课练小学英语 六年级上册 配译林版 第8页答案

there are public signs different things does on the wall it no littering my six years old always has questions comes up picks up note watch tv can't should go to bed on be quiet noise me walk on park you public questions means cousin birds grass


1.by subnay buy a dictionary take a trip reading comic books science museum 2.Don't go at a red light! Amy is going to visit her grandma Where is the cinema? Turn left at the hospital How do you come to post office


1)take wake wail place plain page cake tale snake game date late grape april station table famous paper (2)may day play stay (3)rain paint e-mail (4)gray they (5)eight eighth way


A、B、C三地依次分布在由西向东的同一条道路上,甲乙丙分别从A,B,C同时出发,甲,乙向东,丙向西;乙,丙在距离B地18千米处相遇,甲,丙在B地相遇,而当甲在C地追上乙时,丙已走过B地32千米,那么,AC之间的. 则18:CD=CD:50,CD*CD=18*50=30*30 因此CD的长度是30千米 ②再算AC的长度 丙行50+30=80千米,甲行AC 丙行32千米,甲行BC,长30+18=48 则32:48=80:AC 因此AC的长度是80÷32/48=120千米 参考一下,此题比较有难.


三 1these he be me fever metre evening 2week need beef feet sheep cheese three feel sieep 3eat speak leave sea meat team tea read sweet season 4field piece big 5hill live give will sic thin sit with milk kill pig bit suim listen film visit dinner begin midle cinema 6easy city forty any windy 四 1are talking talking iscoming willare goingtodo amgoingtosee areplaying DO play do Does work works is will visitwill DOwant want do wants is go does get gets isgeting .
