抖动你的腿用英语怎么说? 抖动身体用英语怎么说

785℃ 思琪



Move your legs .

抖动你的腿用英语怎么说? 抖动身体用英语怎么说

大多数学生使用网络娱乐用英语怎么说 用上 use… for fun.

等等,不用想太多,写你周围的变化,写你经历的事情.题目可以是:my summer, my summer holiday, a happy summer 等等.周边的装饰可以画点花.


腿 leg 读音:赖哥 你好,本题已解答,如果满意 请点右上角“采纳答案”.


是 How are you ? 是你好的意思.

这个单词怎么翻译 英语怎么说3种

this word how to say it in english?这个单词用英语怎么说?


It's none of your business. Take care of yourself!


five hundred and six billion, three hundred and thirty-three million, two hundred and ninety-eight thousand, four hundred


你还记得吗,我么曾经手牵手走过的那条街, 你还记得吗,你对我说你爱我的那条街, 你还记得吗,我们曾经向用过的那条街, 如今,那条街已成过去式 你的谎言已成为了过去式 一切的一切都成为了过去式 如今,我也只能沉醉于夏天的豪华 和那条街 Do you remember me? Once the street hand in hand, Do you still remember? You told me that you love me street, Do you still remember? We have to use the street, Nowadays, the street has become the .


Tom is the one who I hate most . 希望帮到你.


1. To improve my English learning. 2. To know the different cultural background between countries. 3. To share the joy got from movies and music with others. 4. To make the aquaintance of the top students in English in our school and make friends with them.


TAG: 英语 身体