in behalf of和on behalf of区别


in the behalf of,in behalf of,on behalf of的区别

in behalf of和on behalf of区别

答: on behalf of one | on one's behalf1、就是所有格上的区别,在意义上没有不同,可相互替换. she signed the paper on behalf of me. she signed the paper on my behalf.2、美国人也常常用介词 in 取代介词短语中的 on. he attended the great ceremony in behalf of his families.

on behalf of 和on the behalf of 区别

[最佳答案] on behalf of一般指代表某些人.英文解释:as the representative of sb or instead of them On behalf of the A.E.A., the uranium reconnaissance in the U.K. was undertaken. on the behalf 是受谁的委托的意思: 受原子能管理局的委托,在英国开展了铀矿普查工作.

on the behalf of 和on behalf of分别是什么意思?

答: 第一个是:在利益上……;第二个是:关于利益.

on one's behalf和in one's behalf有区别吗

[最佳答案] on one's behalf 和 in one's behalf 很接近,但是有些细微差别.in one's behalf 用在 in the interest of .; on one's behalf 用在 on the part of .; Don't trouble to do it on my behalf.

on one's behalf和in one's behalf有区别吗

[最佳答案] in one's behalf是错的on one's behalf 代表某人采纳我哟!

on behalf of for the sake of 的区别

答: on behalf of 和for the sake of 的运用应该主要取决于主动方采取活动的心理活动和意向,前者更宏观和正式,后者突出主动方的个人意愿.仅作参考.再看看别人怎么说的.

represent 和on behalf of和stand for的区别??? 有人知道嘛

答: 应该是stand for..区别有一点点..有的时候要看英文解释才能更好地区别他们.stand for. a meeting,etc.on behalf of一般指代表某些人.英文解释:as the representative of sb or .

on behalf of 和 repersent 有区别吗

答: 意思上区别不大.on behalf of 是个短语,而且不能作表语,只能做状语. repersent是个谓语动词,及物,可以直接连宾语.

辨析“代表”:stand,on behalf of,represent

答: stand为“立场”,为名词或动词,on behalf of为“作为…的代理人;代表…”,为副词represent为“象徵”,为及物或不及物动词

on behalf of和repersent有区别吗?

[最佳答案] 有区别,意思相同,用法不同,on behalf of是介词短语,repersent是动词.on behalf of英 [ɔn biˈhɑ:f ɔv] 美 [ɑn bɪˈhæf ʌv] 为了…的利益;代表…【例句】

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