不想出名的原因英语作文 普通人不想出名的原因


more and more teenage addicts are refusing to leave theirbedroomsand some young adults are playing fantasy games onlineuntil theyliterally drop dead. he didnt adapt very .

不想出名的原因英语作文 普通人不想出名的原因


I don't want to be a star.because I want to live a normal life.i don't want to get tons of attention .

成名的好处和不好处, 英文作文.

The good of being famous:- You can own fame, glory, wealth- You can have many supporters/fans/followers- You will be admired by the citizens- You will be an ideal model for .


Although English has for a long time become an international language, and won its position as an important subject in all China's schools, it should not be denied that not a .


Everyone want to be famous, but did ever you think about it?To be an individual who is the notable person has many excellent advantages:first of all, it would help the people to.

成名利弊 英语作文

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous We may all desire to be famous and yearn for the publicity, wealth, and power that accompany fame. Being famous, we.


Every one has his/her own dream.Some people dream to write great composition in English,I also have my own dream,not just a great English composition.Some of my .


if i could visit any foreign country, i'd like to visit ireland. the scenery there is so beautiful . ireland has a lot of rain and that makes everything very green and lush . it hasn'.

为什么有些国家想举行奥运会,有些国家不想 高一的英语作文

Some countries do not want to host the Olympic Games:1 economic problems. . and Winter Youth Olympic games.有些国家不愿意举办奥运会的原因: 1.经济问题.举办奥.


it was an unfetable party, my teacher's birthday party. i like our new-coming young . 我喜欢我们的新到来的年轻和美丽的英语老师,她不仅有好看的脸,但她的金子的心.