
5346℃ 章海良

Today is Saturday, my classmates and I took part in the clean city parks. Set out at eight o 'clock in the morning, ride a bike arrive at eight 15 points.


Last Sunday,I went to the park with my friend.It's close to my school.There are different kinds of plants in it.We flew kite on the grass in the morning.There was a little wind .

7 the morning of the week, Mary rode a bike Go to the park to play, then in the park to see two people in swimming, on at this time while she has the personal attention, pulling.



Hello! How are you? How is everything? Are you ok? Are you all right?

英语是:What's the matter with you?或 What's wrong with you?解释:matter 英[ˈmætə(r)] 美[ˈmætɚ] n. 物质; 事件; (讨论、考虑等的) 问题; 重要性; vi. 要紧,.


English (English), one of the working languages of the United Nations, but also the de facto language of international communication. 英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西.

A friend to help me put trouble below, thanks translated into English.Your habits - small space SongNianYu/word Song/Chen wei So simple you came up and I finally .

i won't let you down,neither will make you feel lonely. please trust me, you must live a happy life, no matter how hard it will be in the future, at least you have my greeting and my love for you. through i may not be the best, i believe that no one can give you the better love than me.



Hello! How are you? How is everything? Are you ok? Are you all right?



1.in order to understand students better, teachers go to our dorm everyday. 2.i was a dancer before, i usually dance on the playground, and i like dance myself. 3.refer to my .

Abstract: English is today the most international language, English-speaking people in the world's most widely distributed. Along with social progress, English in our country's .




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