


下列没有语病的是( ) A.今年年初美英两国曾集结了令人威慑的军事力量,使海湾地区一度战云密布。



好看的皮囊千篇一律有趣的灵魂万里挑一,什么意思 下一句是什么 在线等






但是,原英文本段落节选显示,前半段选根据长相、智力选择那些的确来自原文“ a difference between people.”(人与人之间的差异),原文后半段的“i have not go tone who is afool they are all men of some 1n telle ctual powe, and conse quen tly they all apprecia teme. is that very vainofme?”却并不符合,因此有人认为这是后来人拼合的。



求翻译下面这段文字 辩论赛需要用的 要求不是很严格

2)No matter where you go, the first time you meet someone, it's impossible to immediately know that person's character.  On the other hand, that person's appearance is easy to see, people with attractive appearances can get in others' good graces more easily.  More and more people are willing to splurge on plastic surgery.  If you find someone on the street who's dressed shabbily and stink all over, are you going to approach him?  That's why outer beauty is very important as an introduction.  If a person is beautiful on the inside, then this person can't possibly look like a beggar.  People with inner beauty don't need to look incredible, nor do they need the compliments from others, they just need to be clean and neat.  If you see an ordinary looking person helping someone else on the street, these kinds of little things are always easy to remember and difficult to fet.  When you see that, you'll think, that's a good person, would you still be focused on his looks?  People do good deeds because their hearts are good, people who do good deeds will have their image beautified by their actions, even if they aren't good looking, they'll still be remembered by others, praised by others in their hearts.  Enhancing one's outer appearance may be only external, but its effect is not only external.  It creates a nurturing ground for a beautiful inner self through beautifying the outer self.  For someone with a hideous soul, even the most handsome or geous looks will do him or her little good.  It won't cover the falseness and the taint exposed by their behavior.  Only through the pursuit of inner beauty, through the pursuit of a beautiful heart, can enhancing their looks add to a person's assets.  Only when inner beauty is polished till it glistens, can outer beauty shine.

3) People who are beautiful have an advantage in interviews.  When trying to get a job as a model, actor, or stewardess, beauty is your advantage.  People who are short, ugly, or even handicapped can be actors as well, and there are also many superstars who do drugs and lose everything.  Many idols and stars can quickly win over audiences' attention and approval at the start, but these things fade quickly.  Yet those actors who do not have an outstanding appearance but fine acting skills can always win the enduring favor of audiences in the end.  This is why I believe personality is more important.