subtotal什么意思中文 subtotal函数中的9

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是不是subtotal的缩写 词典解释形容词 a. 1. 非全部的;不完全的 及物动词 vt. 1. 求.的部分和;小计达到 名词 n. 1. 部分和;小计 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 1. 小.

subtotal什么意思中文 subtotal函数中的9


SRL 【商事】意大利语中“有限公司”的缩写,相当于英文中的LTD.SRL的全称. 标准参考电平 structural return loss (电缆的)结构性回损 subtotal reconstructive .


MaternityInsuranceDeduction: 产假保险扣除额 MedicalDeduction: 医疗保险扣除额 PHFDeduction:(这里PHF肯定是某一种保险的名称) TaxationDeduction:税 .


这些词拼写貌似都不对啊 可能是工资单上简写了吧 MedicEE 医疗费用, 同 Medical . 雇员 PENSIO - 养老福利 (应该是PENSION吧 ) SUBTOTAL 小计 WELFARE 福利 .


out of possible 是指满分多少.比如你考试得了90分,按这种方式,total score 是90, out of possible 就是100,即满分100,你得了90分.


1 guest spending one 客人消费单 2 dishes name 菜品名称 3, the number of 数量 4 Specifications 规格 5 Subtotal 小计 6, the discount code 折扣代码 7, total consumption 消费合计 8, the discount rate 折扣金额 9, accounts receivable cash 应收现金


Our country Export-oriented enterprise guards against the technical trade protectionism the strategy and countermeasure the current West developed country has taken the technical barrier in the world economics integration .trade protectionism the basic situation. Through elaborated again Our country Enterprise receives the technical barrier the influence, how analyzes our country to draw up the measure, finally makes the subtotal through the above proof .


Comrades, I will campaign vice-chairman of the students' union, the somebody else say that a little characteristic, I also can't music etc., I wrote an article campaign draft, troublesome everybody eldest brother manual translation, my. earnest brilliantly finish work! With my love and compassion to lead everybody for schools and for students to service, let everyone like rulers as disinterested; Like bamboo as every advance, subtotal one time. It is like the sun .


你买了两样东西 第一样(你没有复制是什么东西) 原价 49.99, 特惠价 29.99, 你省了 20刀 第二样是 黑色皮套(鞋?) , 原价 49.99, 特惠价 39.99, 你省了10刀 一共 69.98 打税 3.06 税后一共是 73.04


次全切除术 [词典] [医] subtotal ectomy; [例句]左半结肠癌致急性肠梗阻的急诊治疗中,结肠次全切除术是安全可行的. While subtotal colectomy is feasible and safe in the treatment of left colorectal cancer-induced acute intestinal obstruction.


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