such和that有什么区别? that那么

6700℃ 舒婷


求 与 such…that 的区别 搜狗问问

其实很简单 such that=in order to为了 such…that 如此…以至于.例∶he is such a good student that he studay all day他是一个如此好的学生以至于学习一整天

such和that有什么区别? that那么

请问such 和that做副词时的区别

such 不能做副词;that adv.那样,那么 I don't like the cake that much. 我没有那么讨厌那个蛋糕.SUCH adj. 1. 这样的; 如此的2. (强调程.

such as 和that的区别 搜狗问问

展开全部 这两个截然不同,没有区别的.我告诉你,学习英语不注重在语法.我主要是积累.语法我从来不学,考试120没有问题.我不是骗子,实话.


答案是:so 修饰形容词或者副词,such 修饰可数名词或者不可数名词,请记住以下句型:1.such+a/an +形容词+可数名词单数形式+that +从句He is such a clever b.


 such that :such that 中文意思是「这般 . 就.」such that 可与 in such a way that 互通.The layout of the buildi.和such.that.有什么区别?

such as 譬如,就像. 后接名词 such.(a + adj.+ 可数名词单数/adj.(many等除外) + 不可数名词或复数名词) that 以至于.接从句. 例句:1.I like fashion magezines such as . 2.He is such a diligent person that he spend most holiday in the library.

So……that 与such……that区别

优质解答 such that 和 so that 在句子里都是连词词组. 语义差别: such that —— 表“结果”,即 that 后面的句子所表达的是前面句子带来的结果,如你的例句.其它例子:His anxiety was such that he could not sleep. so that —— 表“目的”,即 that 后面的句子所表达的是前面句子“计划”达到的目的.例: I stopped so that you could catch up. 再看这两个句子,它们所表达的意义是不一样的: The doctor changed Mary's medication such that she died.(这.

That可以怎么用..such that 和so that 的区别

that 指代,引导宾语从句名词性从句,用于强调句.暂时只能想起这么多.such+名词,so+形容词副词

such that与such..that有什么区别?

意思都一样,都是“如此……以至于……” 用法不同,such that 后面加句子;such. that. such 后面加名词或名词短语,that后面加句子.

so …that和such…that的用法有什么区别?

so. that. such . that. 意思都是, 如此.以至于. 关键是so和such的区别. 主要看so, such后面接的成分 1. 后面只有形容词或副词,没有名词 用so so good/ so clever/ so fast 2. 后面只有名词, 无形容词,副词,用such such weather, such students, such people 3. such + a/an + adj+ n = so + adj + a/ an + n such a good student = so good a student 4. such + adj + 复数名词或不可数名词 such hot weather such clever students 5特殊情况 so + many/ much / .
