德国的曼施坦因是一个战略天才? 二战德军三大名将之

7939℃ CODY


we will late as usual开头是这个的短文答题答案,第一题是Before leav

We were late as usual. My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself, and when he discovered that he couldn’t manage, he had to ask me for help at the last moment. So now we had an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, there were not many cars or buses on the road and we were able to get there just in time. We checked in and went straight to a big hall to wait for our flight to be called. We waited and waited but no announcement was made. We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadn’t even arrived yet. In the end there was another announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight IJ 108 could get a free meal voucher (card) and that the plane hadn’t left Spain for technical problems. We thought that meant that it wasn’t safe for the plane to fly. We waited again for a long time until late evening when we were asked to report again. This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel.The next morning after a bad night because of all the planes taking off and landing we reported back to the airport. Guess what had happened while we were asleep! Our plane had arrived and taken off again. All the other passengers had been fotten. You can imagine how we felt.









中译英 1、这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。(achieve) 2、下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。(tend to)

1. All this cannot be achieved overnight.

2. Six o'clock in the afternoon is tend to be busy around the stadium.

3. This area is not safe now, it's better to stay away from it.

4. In terms of sales, it is one of the five major supermarkets in the area.

5. This room serve as bedroom and living room.

6. The production department is responsible for monitoring the progress of this project.

7. The manager wasbe involved in a research on marketing activities.

8. Now many big companies are using web sites to promote their products and services.