《婚礼进行曲》翻译成英文是Wedding March,该曲搭配吉他演奏和鲜花的结婚场景哪里有?


《婚礼进行曲》翻译成英文是Wedding March,该曲搭配吉他演奏和鲜花的结婚场景哪里有?






急需一篇英语作为 关于写婚礼场面的

A wedding is a ceremony that celebrates the beginning of a marriage or civil union. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. In some countries, cultures and religions, the actual act of marriage begins during the wedding ceremony. In others, the legal act of marriage occurs at the time of signing a marriage license or other legal document, and the wedding is then an opportunity to perform a traditional ceremony and celebrate with friends and family. A woman being married is called a bride, a man called a bridegroom, after the ceremony they become a wife and a husband.


The ushers enter first, walking in pairs.The bridesmaids follow, walking in pairs if there are six or more. If there are fewer, or if there's an odd number, it's better to have them walk in single file.Next, the maid of honor enters, waiting until a distinct space has opened up after the last bridesmaid.After that, the ring-bearer enters, carrying a cushion with the ring sewn to it. It is best to use a fake ring rather than the real one, to prevent embarrassment if it's dropped. The actual ring should be carried by the best man and by the maid of honor, if it is a double ring ceremony.Now the flower girl enters, closely following the ring-bearer. You might have these children walk in side by side if they are particularly young or nervous.At this point, the anist begins playing the wedding march at full volume. And then the bride starts down the aisle, her father on her left.Meanwhile, the bridesmaids and ushers have arrived or are about to arrive at the altar where the ceremony will take place. They may have filed into the front row or pew, in which case the mother of the bride and the bridegroom's family will occupy the second row on both sides. If you want them seated in the front row, the bridesmaids should be on the left and the ushers on the right.The bride and her father arrive at the front of the seating section or the altar. Now the bride takes the bridegroom's left arm.

After a moment or two, the clergyman or justice should begin the ceremony. The usual practice is for both parents to then take seats in the front pew, although some authorities hold that the father should remain at the altar. At this point, you should relax, take a deep breath, and immerse yourself in the experience. After all, it is something you will probably remember, in detail, for the rest of your life.



This year the Gregorian calendar in March 2nd, the city of Beijing on both sides of the street has yet to thaw snow. Although the weather is not cold, but the branches also did not germinate, the season is not good for outdoor activities. However, on the day of the lunch, the streets are streams of people busily coming and going. Is the original news, the emperor will be held in the afternoon ceremony, Wenwubaiguan dare not neglect, immediately rushed to the imperial city. Sedan chair of the senior officials, as well as the opportunity in the sedan Sorting Hat; low-level officials in the foot, from six Yamen to imperial, a distance of more than a half, arrived before regaining one's breath, Gu not in appearance, plus a fine finishing.

My Brother's Wedding Day翻译一下





