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At the time Haku was about to ask Granny Qian for bring Bao-Bao back as the exchange for releasing Chihiro's family, Granny Qian asked him" Are you sure you want to do this even you know you'll die?".

Haku's answer had shown us the greatness of love .....

注:千寻(Chihiro)和白龙(Haku),白龙是特定名字而不能用“White Dragon”替代。


When my athletic career as a baseball player was on track in 1960, I was diagnosed with sarcoma (恶性肿瘤) in my right shoulder, which sent me to the hospital.


 The All-Star Team went to Hawaii, and I went to the hospital. I was really bitter and angry and hurt and outraged, but we didn’t have any therapy (治疗) in those days that said you needed to grieve (悲伤) a loss.

全明星队去夏威夷了,而我却呆在医院。我真的觉得心里很苦涩很生气 也很懊恼,可是在当时并没有任何一种治疗手段能够让我不在不付出任何代价的前提下痊愈。

 I was denying it right away by saying I could handle it. “What’s this?” I said. “Just a mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the loss of an arm.”


It was about thirty-five years ago.


Then, about twenty-five years ago, I went through another very difficult time.


 Job loss, loss of a relationship. You know, “Loss, loss and loss.”


I went to a counselor (心理顾问), Ray Chapman who took me through a grieving process, because I had never grieved the loss of my athletic career, the loss of my physical wholeness, any losses, and he said that goodness could come out of this.

我去咨询了一位名叫Ray Chapman的心理顾问,他引导我度过了这段人生的低谷时期,因为我从没有因为我运动生涯的终结而感到悲伤,也没有因为我失去了我完整的躯体而难过,而且他还对我说,塞翁失马,焉知非福。

 After my second meeting with Ray Chapman, I got a job as a mechanic, and I became kind of famous.

在我和Ray Chapman的第二次见面之后,我找到了一份技工的工作,那之后,我就变开始得小有名气了。

 I was the “One Armed Mechanic,” installing engines and such.


 It really came back to me then that had I not gone through the cancer, I wouldn’t have become a mechanic and later a hot racer.


 I also later met a wonderful woman with whom I had a ten-year relationship which led to the birth of my son.


I found that for me, goodness and beauty have come out of deformity (畸形).


I still use the words ugliness and crippledness (残废).


My friends try to tell me that I am not crippled.

我的朋友们也曾尝试着告诉我 我没有残疾。

 But what they don’t understand is that I am, and what I have done is in spite of what’s been done to me. I try to remind them that we’re all crippled in some way.

可是他们不明白其实我就是个残疾人,并且 我所做的就是不管我身上发生了什么,我都一直试图告诉他们 其实我们所有的人在某种程度上都是残疾的。

 I say, “I can’t see what crippled you. I can’t see what you’ve been through. I have an advantage over you, because I see it every day.”

我说“我不知道什么使你变得 残疾,我也不知道你所经历过的苦难与挫折。比起你们,我更有优势,因为我每时每刻都能够看到我自身的残疾”。

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