
1445℃ 小贝



i'm the best. i'm the most beautiful in the class. Jane is the thinnest girl in class. Tom is the tallest boy in the room. 暂时想不到这么多,先给你点吧

1 Tom is taller than Bob.

Tom is the tallest boy in our class. Nancy is the most beautiful girl in our class. Tony ran fastest on sports meeting. Lucy jumped highest on sports meeting. Elephants are the heaviest animal in the world.I like to play ping pong best in my free time.



i'm the best. i'm the most beautiful in the class. Jane is the thinnest girl in class. Tom is the tallest boy in the room. 暂时想不到这么多,先给你点吧

要呀,凡是形容词最高级前都要加the 如 He is the best student of all . This is the most interesting book that he have read . ***********************************************************.

tall-tallest young-youngest great-greatest funny-funniest short-shortest strong-. farthest 这个是它作为距离上的远的意思时候的最高级.但用到最高级说距离远时,也经常用 .


The sun is bigger than the earth. The earth is bigger than the moon. The changjiang river is the longgest river in china. The Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the .

10个世界之最 Ten tops of the world

1.The little girl is more beautiful than her sister 2.For today is much hotter than . 9.It is said that she is the best singer in the last two years. 10.They became more crazy,so their .


The temperature is high today. Please cool down the room using airconditioner. The... the ...

原级 比较级 最高级 good(好的)/ better best well(健康的) bad (坏的)/ worse worst ill(有病的) old (老的) older/elder oldes.

adive, unhealth, outing不是形容词,它没有最高级和比较级 原形 比较级 最高级 weak: weaker, weakest angry: angrier angriest famous: more famous, most famous far: further.



10个世界之最 Ten tops of the world

The sun is bigger than the earth. The earth is bigger than the moon. The changjiang river is the longgest river in china. The Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the .
