英语话剧《谁是赖皮》怎么翻译? 你喜欢英语话剧吗英语翻译

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老鼠嫁女儿角色(character):鼠爸爸(f)、太阳(sun)、云(cloud)、风(. (但是,谁是世界上最伟大的人呢?)Oh! The sun! He must be the greatest .

英语话剧《谁是赖皮》怎么翻译? 你喜欢英语话剧吗英语翻译


这里提供经典英文剧本,台词,字幕 一些英文剧本 提供几个大的剧本下载站 / 有很多英语电影对白等下载的网站 天天英语→电影剧本相关下载 六人行(老友记)中英文剧.


旁白(武器)/介绍(介绍):很久以前,有一个疯狂的国家,在这个疯狂的国家有一. 镜子,告诉我,谁是最漂亮的人在这个世界?(画外音:是你,王子丹!谢谢你太子.



英语话剧剧本 《新梁祝外传》



那就选一段英语话剧独白好了~~最经典的莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》里就有很多一个人的独白,生存还是毁灭的那段.如果能练好会让同学刮目相看的! 虽然你也没给分,不过还是要给你加油~~英语真的要好好学,我也是没学好英语吃过很多亏的! 给你找了一段,有中英文对照 生存还是毁灭?这是个问题. 究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残 还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净. 去死,去睡就结束了,如果睡眠能结束我们心.


很好的尝试, 但从汉语文字表现的场景,对话顺序和逻辑来看,还有很多问题. 不知道你是否可以修改. 可能我未能明白你想象的幽默, 恐怕和我一样的人还有. 1. On a sunny morning, a group of students are sleeping in the classroom. When their teacher comes in, everyone has just a quick look at the teacher and then goes back to sleep. 2. Here comes their class monitor, he is almost out of breath when he appears at the door of the classroom. 3. What is .


英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money Scene1(At Salesman's home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I'm the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular,(展示),I don't know why. The .


英语搞笑话剧《孔雀东南飞》 Wanders every five miles 焦仲卿Johnny(J for short)刘兰芝Lunch(L for short) 焦母Johnny's mother(JM for short)刘母Lunch's mother(LM for short) 太守之子Mayor's son(MS for short)强盗Burglars(ABandC) (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪) J:Every body says that I'm henpecked,but in fact,I'm as strong as a tiger,(小声)while my wife is Wu Song. (指着上台处的门大声道)I'm not afraid of you! .


Kenya is still the primary focus of all adventure travel in Africa. It is one of the finest--and undoubtedly the most famous--safari destination in the world. Safari, however, is by no means the only reason to visit Kenya, for the attractions of its rich culture and diverse environments are considerable. Kenya is situated right along the equator, on the eastern coast of the African continent. Its coastal region is on the southeast, and to the east lies Somalia. Ethiopia is to .
