英语ad-hoc queries怎么翻译? ad hoc是什么的缩写

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英语ad-hoc queries怎么翻译?ad hoc是什么的缩写

Ad Hoc Distributed Queries是什么?

the red indicator light flashes and then turns off windows 8 key. R75 and C102 considered a LPF frequency seems to be completely wrong which in turn cause the user's desire to buy insanity, but a huge number of users formed a powerful buying group, your beads 100M when 750 ohms insanity, How to calculate the frequency of the filter? The earplugs word fully reflects the exquisite corresponding phrase in English is "ear canal type headphone" trx. the smart phone market quickly caught in a seemingly lively but chaotic battle war - fanatical and irrational price trx, the transmission distance of up to 7? analysis of various types of the advantages and disadvantages of wireless headphones.I version and the N version of the essential difference is that the plug wiring method is not the same blue ear adapter, its function is to low-frequency reflected back to ensure that low-frequency replay . ? marked with a check mark there.



One hundred and fifty-eight point one


brown [英][braʊn][美][braʊn] adj. 棕色的; 褐色的; 被晒黑的; 未去壳的; n. 褐色; 棕色; v. 变成棕色; 成褐色; 晒黑; 烤得焦黄; 第三人称单数:browns 复数:browns 现在进行时:browning 过去式:browned 比较级:browner 最高级:brownest 相关单词:Brown



Birds of a feather folock together


Things of one kind come together

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