这个出自哪里? 这个婆娘不是人全诗



这个出自哪里 .?

wish you were here

歌手:wyclef jean 专辑:the ecleftic 2 sides ii a book [Wyclef Jean]

Lets go

So so you think you can tell

heaven from hell

Blue skies from pain

Can you tell a green field

from a cold steel rail

A smile from a fair

do you think you can tell

Did they get you to trade

your heros for goals

Hot ashes for trees

Hot air for a cool breeze

Cold comfort for change

Did you exchange

A walk on part in the war

for a lead role in the game

whether you listenin to hip hip-hop

or you tuning to rock

refugees on your box

we gonna take over ya blocks

lets go

How I wish, how I wish you were here

We're jus two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year

Runnin over the same old ground

But have we found the same old fears

Wish you were here

whether you listenin to rock

or pumpin the hip hip hop

refugees on your box

Critics don't mistake this for just any cover tune

I'ma take y'all to the dark side of the moon

Kickin in my moms room this song was just a thought

A young refugee labeled, jus come with a passport

Dad used to tell me about the American dream

My dream was waking up the projects

a young teen listening to hip hop

my brother tune me into rock

put me up on pink floyd and banned from the british blocks

whether you pumpin the hip hip hop

or you tuning to rock

refugees on your box

we gonna take over the blocks

from n.j to bk to the u.k




风中细雨 原作者:徐 风 读者的杂志卷首语

欲望: 欲望,是天下最厉害的东西。你不想占有,你囊中是空的,但你身轻如燕。你占有了,感官的享受挤压着身心,你必须时时为得到的愉悦付出代价。其实,多余的东西最后都不是你的,就像猴子进了玉米地,欣喜若狂,掰了一夜玉米,早晨从玉米地里出来还是像往常一样,只捧着两个玉米。上帝是多么睿智啊!


出自噬魂师· 玛嘉(别译:玛嘉·艾尔帮 MAKA ALBARN)

与SOUL EATER组成一对组合的工匠少女,有日本血统。武器父亲和人类母亲所生的混血儿,本体也是武器镰刀,受母亲影响而成为武器工匠。



,待人有礼,虽然年纪轻轻,就已经可以使用镰职人传统的大技“狩猎魔女”(加强版:“魔人狩猎”,只能以直线攻击对手)以及广范围释放“ 狩猎魔女”的“镰威断”。

非常喜欢乐曲“PONPOKO舞”而整天欣赏,用SOUL的话来说就是“音乐IQ过低”。有战胜恐惧的勇气~ 其灵魂是5千万人中才有一个的「天使型」,TV版中对抗鬼神时使用了【狩猎魔神】(魔人狩猎的进化版,是死神的大技)


玛嘉也用退魔波长对付鬼神,但是退魔波长对鬼神是没有用的,因为狂气不是妖魔鬼怪,而是在每个人内心都会有的。后来在无意识武器化失败后以“勇气”一拳击败鬼神。 漫画中又经历了与道化师的战斗之后,玛嘉觉醒了完全不会被狂气侵染的强大勇气与“魂”,并于此时习得了超越“魔女狩猎”的“魔人狩猎”。漫画在对巴巴耶雅城攻略作战时打败了奥拉克妮得到魔女的灵魂,使SOUL成为了Death Scythe。

因为玛嘉高度的灵魂感知力,所以成为诺亚和魔女美杜莎的追杀对象。 和soul一起加入了死武专精锐部队:SPAROTI(原名:死武专少年精锐部队。简称:死武小鬼队。) 与队友一起前往艾邦之书营救Kid

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