求一首搞怪英文歌 一首很黄的英文歌


你说的应该是 Jaron David Lowenstein的 pray for you 这首歌 听听看, 应该就是这个 附送歌词:I haven't been to church since I don't remember when 我已经许久没去教堂.

求一首搞怪英文歌 一首很黄的英文歌


Sweet Spot 2.0-Flo Rida&Jennifer Lopez Let's hit the sweet spot away, way, way, I 让我们会击中甜蜜点方式 I'm ready to go, I want candy tonight,我 我已经准备好 今晚.


这些都是搞笑一家人里的,你的线索太少,只能给你这个了 Falling Slowly - once easier to lie - aqualung I don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith God Laughs - .


去youtube上搜一首叫bloody cold的视频 是一个美国哥们儿恶搞james blunt的you are beautiful 相当之经典 虽然不是讲爱情的 但是很强大附原版歌词和恶搞版歌词给你 原版zhidao.baidu/question/71538166.html?si=7恶搞版zhidao.baidu/question/65550492.html

求一首英文歌,只记得歌的开头是 lonely I am so know nobody…… 是有点搞怪的.

Akon - Lonely 试听:v.youku/v_show/id_XMjUxMjIyNzE2.html 下载:cgi.music.soso/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Akon+-+Lonely&p=1&source=1&t=1

一首英文歌,很搞笑的发英,好像叫作we are young,但是我搜索后发现不对.歌词大.

We Are YoungFun.,Janelle MonaeGive me a second II need to get my story straightMy friends are in the bathroomGetting higher than the Empire StateMy lover she's waiting .


Speak to me, you're walking to closr and it's hard to breathe I should be running, but the hurt's naive I'll And expect too much You were good to me I left a scar that no one else .

网上一首用多啦A梦主题曲改编的英文歌叫什么 恶搞的



anmials Maroon5不知道是不是这个 再看看别人怎么说的.

i我吐逼爸特发 是什么歌 一首英文歌 快手搞笑镜头经常有

fairy tale--michael learns to rock 再看看别人怎么说的.

TAG: 英文歌 搞怪