学英语Tom从没费过劲儿 英语翻译?


tom走路去学校大约花费2个小时 英语

学英语Tom从没费过劲儿 英语翻译?

It takes Tom about two hours to go to school.=Tom spends about two hours going to school.


你好!Tom didn't pass the exam.如有疑问,请追问.

Tom很瘦 英文翻译

瘦有很多种,thin是指病态的瘦,slim苗条,skinny皮包骨的瘦 这句话就是Tom is加上上面的词你选一个 形容词比较级用more much是表示加深,如果后面的形容词是三个音节以上,比如beautiful, 就是much more beautiful 最冷,是cold的最高级,coldest The coldest place on the earth is the south pole.地球上最冷的地方是南极.


There is toe boys come from China.there are called henry and steve ,steve have better english bthan henry ...

求英语作文 假如你是Tom的朋,他不善长英文,他觉的在发音,语法,记忆单词.

Tom, your English is not very good. But you can work hard to improve it. First you must remember words seriously. Because writing is composed of words. For now the world .


English small item 6 jersey with translation


Dear Tom,Hello.This is Li Hua.Thank you for your letter.I am sorry to hear that you are becoming fatter and fatter now.But don't worry,Tom.I would like to give you some advice..


Tom is getting ready to help DaMing to learn English!


议员汤姆驾驶他的汽车,以满足他的朋友在这个车站内.当他发现仍然有相当一段时间去之前,火车已经到达.他要参加一个简短的睡眠.他是即将入睡时,一年轻女子来,并询问他time.mr汤姆打开他的眼神和回答说: “ 8时30分. ”与“谢谢你”该名女子离开.在短期内,而这件事几倍,所以议员汤姆写道: “我不知道的时间” !就在一张纸上,并在在窗口,他car.but只有几分钟后,一岁男子来到他醒来了. “嗨,小伙子,我可以告诉你的时间,它的9时,现在


Dear Tom, I'm glad to hear from you. It's great to go to a new school. If you want to make more new friends there. You can do the following things. First, you should be friendly to.