今天的卡通片不如他那样简单翻译 看卡通片英语翻译

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当人们说“文化”时,我们认为是艺术和历史.但是在美国一个非常著名的文化标志. 在20世纪30年代,他制作了87部带有米老鼠的卡通片.不想打啦,先给你翻译完第.

今天的卡通片不如他那样简单翻译 看卡通片英语翻译


this cartoon movie is not so/as exciting as that one.


主题曲:《海盗与孩子们》 船长:准备好了吗,孩子们? 孩子:是的,船长! 船长:我怎么听不见??! 孩子:是的!船长!! 船长:哦哦哦~~~,谁住在水下的菠萝屋.

He began to make cartoon films翻译


请把下面句子翻译成英文:1 请坐这里.2 今天晚上你将会欣.

1 请坐这里 Sit Here, Please 2 今天晚上你将会欣赏到很多优秀的节目. This evening,you will appreciate many excellent programs.


这部卡通片向我们讲述了机器人大白的故事. This cartoon tells us the story of the robot Baymax.


我们看了一部卡通片,它非常有趣 We saw a cartoon, it is very interesting


CARTOON 释义: n. 卡通片,[电影] 动画片;连环漫画 vt. 为…画漫画 vi. 画漫画 双语例句: I like this cartoon. 我喜欢这幅漫画. I drew a cartoon of a cheerleader on my paper. 我在纸上画了一幅拉拉队领队的漫画. The cartoon represented the president as a devil. 这幅漫画把总统画成了魔鬼.


The Great Wall dating back to the Qin Dymasty is one important part of the world's heritage. It's purpose is to defend the country from invasion, during whose building a lot of loss was caused to the wealth of the country and the lives of people. It is said that the Great Wall is the only man-made project that can be seen from teh moon. The Great Wall with its long history and its magnificence attracts a lot of tourists and scientist to pay it a vist.


creating a brilliant beijing: time for action ladies and gentlemen: my topic is on creating a brilliant beijing: time for action 2008 is such a common number, but many chinese will get excited when they mention it. how can a common number attract such a strange fascination? the answer is simple and obvious: the twenty-ninth olympic game will be held in beijing in the year 2008. at that time, the whole world will focus their attentions on beijing. as the hostess, .
