今天下雨乐英语翻译 今天下雨两种英语翻译

5782℃ 冰冰


我认为马上要下雨了 用英语怎么说

it'a raining but i wouldn't like to stay at home.

今天下雨乐英语翻译 今天下雨两种英语翻译


今天下雨了 :today is rainy today it's raining it's raining today it rains today


it's going to rain tomorrow.或:it'll rain tomorrow

今天的报纸上说明天要下大雨 英语翻译

It's reported on newspaper today that there will be a heavy rain tomorrow.


music.qq/qqmusic.html?id=559547 又下雨了 你最喜欢的天气 收音机正播放着伤心的歌曲 你在这座城的哪里看雨 是一个人还是已经有人陪着你 又下雨了你最喜欢.


1.Until now I have not heard from him a letter 2.It may rain tonight 3.You satisfied with your life now 4.She will star in a new movie


It's going to rain,you 'd better go home right now. We advised people not to smoke at pubilc places. Passengers can't use their cell phone until they get off the plane. We belive that glorious ideals will definitly come true.


希望对你有用啊. 卖 仅供参考! 王子来来来 2011/12/7 21:38:49 We come home at five in the afternoon You can eat first some bread You can later playing computer games She can cross the road They have to wait for the green We can use in the supermarket shopping basket 10 a child gets up at 6:00 in the morning They often in the lunch time chat Lily only on Thursday have art Milli in school very happy You can watch TV after school Thursday afternoon in .

这几天持续下雨 用英语怎么说

这几天持续下雨 英文翻译 It keeps raining these days


Hurry up,it's going to rain.


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