蛋炒饭的做法英语作文 蛋炒饭的做法英文版

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炒蛋52614102 after that 放饭一起1653炒Finally 加盐内 加葱花容 reference:www.baidu first,we should fry the eggs.

蛋炒饭的做法英语作文 蛋炒饭的做法英文版


An instruction for making fried rice First,put two bowls of boiled rice into the pan.Second,mix the egg liquid with some salt.Next,pour the salty egg liquid into the pan.Then fry .


:隔夜米饭2碗、鸡蛋2个、鸡肉50克、混合蔬菜适量 【调料】:酱油适量、橄榄油适量、大蒜一瓣、盐和黑胡椒适量 【做法】: 1、大蒜捣碎;鸡肉切成粗肉末后,加适量的酱油、黑胡椒和盐腌制15分钟以上. 2.


nonstick(不粘的) skillet on medium. Whisk(挥、甩) eggs and add to the skillet. Cook, stirring occasionally.


希望能帮到你 若果有用 请及时采纳 我在攒等级 谢谢!This recipe for egg fried rice is submitted by a reader. Serves 4 - 5 as a side dish.Ingredients:1 egg2 teaspoons Asian.


I like make rice and eggs.First pour the oil into the pan and turn on the pan .Next put the rice in the pan. Break three eggs in a bowl. Then pour the eggs into the pan.After that ,put in two teaspoons of salt and another relish .If you like tomato,you can put only one tomato in it.Then mix it with 5—10minutes.Finally put the green onions in it when it boil.I think it's great. 我喜欢做炒蛋饭.首先把油倒进锅里,然后把饭放进去.打三个鸡蛋,放进锅里.在那以后,放.


怎样做炒饭? 翻译 How to make Fried rice? 如果满意请点击右上角评价点【满意】即可~~ 你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ 答题不易..祝你开心~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


fried rice 如果你要食谱 去google.sg 找receipt fried rice


Ingredient: a bowl of rice, two eggs. Ingredients: oil, salt, green onion, pepper, and other surface. Approach: first of the two lay eggs are stirred into pan, Chao Shu, and then depositing in the mixed fried rice. Add hot rice through after a little salt, half the chopped green onion, pepper a little face, and then can the Chuguo. Key: 1, to the northeast meal of rice, rice in the South will not do. Steamed rice should be good, not good steamed rice is a good draw for .


你是不是中国人啦? 那叫“蛋炒饭”,不是“鸡蛋炒大米”! 读书读傻了?
